ERG is on the move today

Card image cap

Ergo has moved 0% in the last hour. The current price is $1.38

Ergo Price History

Ergo current price change in the past 24 hours is -12%
Ergo current price change in the past 7 days is -21%
Ergo current price change in the past 30 days is -39%
Ergo current price change in the past 60 days is 12%
Ergo current price change in the past 90 days is -1%

Ergo Volume

Ergo current volume in the past 24 hours is 422,307

Ergo Market Cap and Supply

Ergo current market cap is at $103,102,951.00.
The circulating supply is 74,625,546, maximum supply is 74,625,546