DYP is hot right now!

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Dypius [New] has moved 5% in the last hour. The current price is $0.09

Dypius [New] Price History

Dypius [New] current price change in the past 24 hours is 13%
Dypius [New] current price change in the past 7 days is 61%
Dypius [New] current price change in the past 30 days is 69%
Dypius [New] current price change in the past 60 days is 166%
Dypius [New] current price change in the past 90 days is 123%

Dypius [New] Volume

Dypius [New] current volume in the past 24 hours is 1,124,664

Dypius [New] Market Cap and Supply

Dypius [New] current market cap is at $8,256,022.00.
The circulating supply is 88,758,248, maximum supply is 229,926,862